High Blood Pressure Rates during Pregnancy Skyrocketed in Past 4 Decades

High Blood Pressure Rates during Pregnancy Skyrocketed in Past 4 Decades

A study recently published in Hypertension found a dramatic increase in high blood pressure diagnoses in pregnant women between 1970 and 2000.

Key Takeaways:

  • The number of women diagnosed with high blood pressure in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy increased by 13 times between 1970 and 2010.
  • 150 million women with delivery-related hospitalizations were included in the study. 
  • A major risk factor was older maternal age. Since 1970, the average age of 1st pregnancy increased by 4-5 years. 
  • African-American women also experienced higher rates of hypertension, with a diagnosis rate twice that of white women. 
  • High blood pressure can be dangerous for both maternal and fetal health, so this rise is an alarming trend.
  • Bottom line: If you are planning to get pregnant, the study authors suggest general health maintenance as a preventative measure. Regular visits to your doctor may help diagnose hypertension before pregnancy, and it’s important to aim for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Read the original article here.

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